The chief executive can nominate an alternative executive who can attend meetings with him or stand in for him if he is not available. A timely and good succession planning and introducing the next generation of executives to the Council is also an important part of the continuity of representation.
The highest added value in networking and benchmarking
Keeping friends informed
GSC Members are kept informed about challenges, disruptions and the latest trends in the shipping and port industries worldwide at meetings and through the Council’s web site. Strategies to take best advantages of the industry changes and practices are discussed and developed at the meetings, and include information on such items as safety and security, labour relations, IT, innovation, productivity, equipment and the environment.
To ensure the highest added value in networking and benchmarking there must be continuity of representation at the meetings and communications must be informal and private, free of stress and competition, but above all full of friendship.
Since it is the Companies
that are the Members of the Council
and not individuals
Management Courses
The Council and its members are keen to conduct and support in house Management Courses for the port industry’s upcoming management who are to become the executives and member representatives of the GSC of tomorrow.
Senior Management and General Management Courses are held on alternate years in various ports with the generous assistance of members situated in the chosen locations.
During the recent pandemic Virtual Leadership Courses have proven to be valued alternatives for above live Courses.
Enhancing communication has been since 1970 the GSC’s constant objective. Private networking and dialogue between the members are the core of the Council and very much encouraged. When visiting a member country for business, meeting the local member will certainly make one wiser about the local business culture and state of affairs.In between the meetings our members are kept up to date with the latest news via the website, WhatsApp groups, LinkedIn and the regular GSConnect electronic newsletter. Webinars and virtual meetings via video conferencing and GSChannel also became part of our DNA.